Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Benefits of Rice are not Solely Dietary Ones

The benefits of rice as part of a healthy diet are well documented. Rice is low in fat, and calories while high in fiber and other nutrients. However, the benefits of rice are not restricted to dietary benefits alone.
Benefits of Rice for Asian Farmers:
• Rice can be grown even in the poorest of land conditions
• The sales of rice produced by these farmers provide them with much needed income just for basic survival in these poor countries.
• The water that the rice plants collect can be used to irrigate other crops.
The raised "rice patties" offer protection from larger predators such as snakes to frogs and insects that prey upon the insects that are harmful to crops.
Benefits of Rice for Consumers:
• Rice is a versatile food that can be a meal on its own or combined with other foods to add bulk, nutrition, and flavor to meals.
• Rice is a low-cost, affordable way to feed an entire family.
• Rice doesn't require expensive, complicated cookware and much time spent on preparation, and cooking.
Benefits of Rice for Our Economy:
• The taxes levied on countries exporting goods to the US, adds billions of dollars to our economy every year.
• The revenues gained from the annual purchases of consumers of rice also bolster's our economy.
• Allowing the importing of Rice from these poorer countries helps to build strong relationships between the United States and these developing countries.
Nutritional Benefits of Eating Rice
Rice is an excellent food to help keep your body healthy. Rice has the following nutritional benefits:

Excellent source of carbohydrates
Good energy source
Low fat
Low salt
No cholesterol
Low sugar
No gluten
No additives
No preservatives

Rice is low in fat, salt and has no cholesterol:

Being low in fat, rice is suitable to include in a diet for those watching their weight. Rice is also cholesterol free, therefore being an excellent food to include in a cholesterol lowering diet. Brown rice contains a small amount of rice bran oil.
Rice is gluten free:

Some people are unable to tolerate the proteins found in wheat, barley, rye, oats. These people choose foods that are gluten free. All rice is gluten free, making rice the essential choice for people with gluten free dietary requirements.

Rice contains no additives or preservatives:

Rice contains no additives or preservatives, making it an excellent inclusion in a healthy and balanced diet. Rice also contains resistant starch, which is the starch that reaches the bowel undigested. This encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, keeping the bowel healthy.

Provided by: Dr. Shabbir

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